Is Catholic Moral Theology not keeping pace?
The three most important encounters in the history of Christianity, which have had a big impact in its development, have been: firstly ...

A focus on Jesus Christ would help Christians find unity.
In one of the Gospels we read “may they all be one” (John 17:21) and this might be used to illustrate the spirit and goal of ...

Christian illumination in the Old Testament.
The Bible, still nowadays “is the most published and translated book in the world”[1]; it is studied not only in theological ...

The question of celibacy in today’s Church.
Although it might seem to be a clear-cut issue, the question of clerical celibacy is anything but simple. Although celibacy is not explicitly ...

The Old Catholics launch the Virtual Summer School.
Today, 7th July 2020 starts the first-ever Old/Independent Catholic Virtual Summer School that will run until 17th July. Some scholarships ...

St Paul: misogynist or women’s champion?
The importance of Saint Paul on the understanding and development of Christianity has been so great that Clare Richards, in her book, asks: ...

Crossing the lines: the Church of the future.
The base on planet Terra warns me: “landing in eleven minutes.” I still have some time to prepare myself psychologically for ...

In libreria domani: Muhammad Ali di Cecchini.
Esce domani, 23 giugno, nelle librerie italiane il libro MUHAMMAD ALI: il guerriero che sapeva volare di Massimo Cecchini. Nel giugno ...

La Belva Giudea: uno spettacolo al meglio dei cinque round.
Sport, storia e spettacolo dal vivo si incontrano a Roma per dare vita a un evento unico sulla nobile arte della boxe. Il 26 gennaio alle ...

Scacchi-nuoto: una combinazione vincente per motivare i pargoli.
Ad Empoli abbiamo incontrato Maurizio Poggetti, istruttore di nuoto della FIN, che presentava il suo progetto Scacchi&Swim: una maniera ...